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8th Grade Boys and Girls (14U)

Our Meta Hoops 8th grade boys and girls will be transitioning this off-season to our High School Program.  Our goal with our 8th graders is to begin to transition them to a more High School approach to getting better and prepare them to contribute at the High School level immediately.  Those players who are good enough will have the opportunity to play with our older teams (15U-17U) as these teams will be based on desired level of play/travel and ability!


TEAMS: There will be 3 levels of teams for them to participate in Adidas Teams, Elite Teams and Elevate teams.  The amount of travel and level of competition will vary based on which team your athlete makes.  Our top teams will be our Adidas Teams. 


TOURNAMENT SCHEDULES: Schedules will vary depending on which team your athlete makes, you can see a sample/proposed schedule in the attachments below


TRAINING/PRACTICES: Training for this group will be with the High School athletes.  There will be multiple options regarding the time and intensity of the training.  These will be outlined when an athlete is offered a spot on a team following tryouts.  In addition to practices/training we will be offering basketball focused Athletic Performance (Strength/Speed) training this Spring/Summer.


6th-7th Grade Boys and Girls (12U-13U)

Our Meta Hoops 6th-7th grade boys and girls will continue this Spring and Summer.  We will shift our focus into more off-season development, skill acquisition and decision making (IQ) work.  This means we will train more and practice less.  We will have two sessions of 3v3 for the athletes to get more quantity and quality basketball reps.  We love 3v3 in the off-season because we believe it keeps 5v5 fresh and fun, expedites development with small sided games and creates more space for the kids to work on and explore new skills.


TEAMS: There will be 2 levels of teams for the 6th and 7th graders to participate in Meta Hoops 3 Stripe Elite and Meta Hoops Elevate.  The amount of travel and level of competition will vary based on which team your athlete makes.  


NO TEAM OPTION: Athletes will have the option of not playing on a 5v5 team for the Spring/Summer season and may sign up for only training/3v3 sessions.  We encourage these athletes to register and come to tryouts just in case they change their mind and end up wanting to play.  This also helps us evaluate athletes for 3v3 teams.  3v3 Teams are welcome to register together and play with a team of their choosing.​


TOURNAMENT SCHEDULES: Schedules will vary depending on which team your athlete makes, you can see a sample/proposed schedule in the attachments below


TRAINING/PRACTICES: There will be multiple options regarding the time and intensity of the training/practices for the Spring/Summer season.  These will be outlined based on the team you make and your desired level of commitment.  The days and times for 3v3 for each age group will be communicated at the tryout as well.  In addition to practices/training we will be offering basketball focused Athletic Performance (Strength/Speed) training this Spring/Summer.


2nd-5th Grade Boys and Girls

Our Meta Hoops 2nd-5th grade boys and girls will continue this Spring and Summer.  We will shift our focus into more off-season development, skill acquisition and decision making (IQ) work.  This means we will train more and practice less.  We will have two sessions of 3v3 for the athletes to get more quantity and quality basketball reps.  We love 3v3 in the off-season because we believe it keeps 5v5 fresh and fun, expedites development with small sided games and creates more space for the kids to work on and explore new skills.


TEAMS: The focus will be on training and playing through 3v3 for our Spring and Summer Sessions.  Each grade/age level will have the opportunity to play in 5v5 tournaments as well.  These opportunities will be team and coach dependent.  Spring and Summer are difficult times to find local tournaments for this age group and is why we believe consistent 3v3 play is important.  If these teams want to play a series of 5v5 tournaments as our older teams do there will likely be some travel required.  The specifics of each group will then depend on each team and coach to decide the level and amount of 5v5 play.


NO TEAM OPTION: All athletes will have the option of not playing on a 5v5 team for the Spring/Summer season and may sign up for only training/3v3 sessions.  We encourage these athletes to register and come to tryouts just in case they change their mind and end up wanting to play.  This also helps us evaluate athletes for 3v3 teams.  3v3 Teams are welcome to register together and play with a team of their choosing.


TOURNAMENT SCHEDULES: Schedules will vary depending on which team your athlete makes.


TRAINING/PRACTICES: There will be multiple regarding the time and intensity of the training/practices for the Spring/Summer season.  These will be outlined based on the team you make and your desired level of commitment.  The days and times for 3v3 for each age group will be communicated at the tryout.  In addition to practices/training we will be offering basketball focused Athletic Performance (Strength/Speed) training this Spring/Summer.

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